Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, and teaching worldwide.


Go to the Fulbright website, get a log-in ID, and begin the application. On the website, read through the country page for the country in which you are interested. Familiarize yourself with any special requirements (e.g. language or affiliation requirements) for your country.

If you decide to submit a Fulbright application, email lgs.profdev@emory.edu. It is important that we know, so you can receive future communications about Emory's internal process. If you have questions about the application, email lgs.profdev@emory.edu.

Now Until August 2

Work through several drafts of your research proposal with your advisor as well as any other mentors or persons with relevant expertise.

Begin collecting your materials: Speak with those who will write letters. Get your language evaluations completed. Get copies of your transcripts (they may be unofficial transcripts). Begin to set up an affiliation. Don't leave these things until August!

If you can attend the Fulbright Workshop, do so. This is a great opportunity to get early feedback on your draft application. See the flyer on the at the end of the page for details.

Materials for the Fulbright Workshop are due on Friday, August 2.

Sunday, August 11, 2024, 10am-3pm. Fulbright Workshop

This is optional, but strongly recommended. We have found that students who attend this workshop are significantly more likely to succeed. See the flyer at the end of the page for details. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2024, 11:30pm

This is the campus deadline and it is mandatory. Complete your electronic application and “submit it” electronically to the Fulbright application portal on the Fulbright Student web page. This must be a complete application, including letters of recommendation, transcripts, letters of affiliation, and language evaluations for any language that you will use in your research or in your daily activities. (See Application Tips, below.) 

Again, all materials are due on this date. No exceptions. (Applications received after the campus deadline will not go through the campus committee process, but must be submitted “at large.”)

September 9-13, 2024 Fulbright Interview Week

Please mark this week on your calendar until your specific interview time is confirmed. The Laney Graduate School Fulbright Committee will interview all applicants. Interviews are scheduled around faculty availability. Once we receive your application, you will receive a request to identify times that you are available. Be flexible: if you cannot attend any of the available interview times, you must apply “at large.”

The Committee will provide feedback after the interview and you will be able to rewrite your proposal before the Institute of International Education (IIE) deadline. After your interview, your application will be “released” so you may revise it.

September 24, 2024, 11:30pm

Submit your application electronically. Notice that this is earlier than the deadline published by IIE in the application. We MUST have the application by this earlier deadline so that the committee can write recommendations for the nominees.

October 8, 2024

Applications are submitted on your behalf by the LGS to the IIE.

March 2025

IIE expects to inform applicants of first round results. Applications that are successful at this round go on for Host Country Review. Final selection letters are sent between mid-March and late June.

Sunday, August 11, 2024, 10AM-3PM. Fulbright Workshop

If you intend to apply for a Fulbright award this fall, then this one-day workshop is for you. It will provide an opportunity to get early feedback on your Fulbright proposal and personal statement. It will also be a chance to discuss some of the other particularities of Fulbright, such as affiliations and language evaluations.

This will be a workshop, and you will be helping each other write clearer, more persuasive proposal. Proposals and personal statements will be circulated to all participants, and each proposal will be discussed in detail by the group. There will also be time for questions and answers about the Fulbright process.

If you are intending to apply for a Fulbright, you are strongly encouraged to participate. We have offered this workshop for more than a decade, and we have found that students who attend are more likely to succeed than those who do not.

Overview of Workshop Dates and Deadlines

By July 26, 2024: Email the Laney Graduate School PDCP office (lgs.profdev@emory.edu) with your intent to participate. (This will help us plan the agenda.) 

Friday, August 2, 11:30pm: Materials for the Fulbright Workshop are due. They must be submitted in a single file, in pdf format, with the elements in the order specified below. The Fulbright narrative and personal statement must conform to the Fulbright formatting requirements.

  1. Fulbright narrative (2 pages, single-spaced)
  2. Personal statement (1 page, single-spaced)
  3. CV

These items should be sent to lgs.profdev@emory.edu with the Subject “Fulbright Workshop Materials.” 

Please note that materials will be circulated among all participants, and you will be expected to read all of the proposals and personal statements. Since you will be providing feedback to others (and getting feedback in return) it is essential to the success of the workshop that you spend some time working through your colleagues’ material.

Contact: LGS.profdev@emory.edu